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Is It Me, Us or Them? / "Links-a-la Mode"

This blog is "fashion lite" for sure. I don't share too many articles, or how-to's. I love the fashion, the cameras and the inspiration that comes from being a style blogger. Today is the day when I break out my poor writing skills, so here goes!
I am pissed. I usually don't write articles, 
nor do I claim to be a writer, 
but I just had to get this one on the table....
This is the iconic symbol of beauty. And yep, here she was a size 12!
As I have been paroozing the top 25 street style blogs as per, I've noticed a trend. Not one "street person" was larger than model size! I know that models are usually on average a size zero to a size 2. According to stats obtained from Plus Model Magazine, 20 years ago, the average model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, the average is a whopping 23% less! Do you know a size 10 is considered plus size? I'm a 12. Now, I know that models are basically walking freaky clothes hangers. But are we, the norm, still comparing ourselves to other's who are not the 'norm"? Are we giving up our mental health as well as our physical health to look good in fashion?
Ten years ago the average plus size model was between a size 12 and 18. 
Today the "plus size" model ranges from a meager 6 to 14.
Most runway models meet the criteria for anorexia. 
While most women wear a size 14 or larger (it's true!), 
However most clothing stores cater to sizes 12 and under!
(source: Plus Model Magazine via Fashionista)
Doesn't she look HEALTHY? 
However, I have noticed most plus-sized models 
are super tanned and have long, flowing locks of hair...
I suppose that's why real people blogs have become the new style outlet for the average woman (or man). I love to see a little arm fat, or see how a real woman wears a trend. Don't get me wrong, thin is great and a goal for some, but real is what most people are yearning for - thin or not!
These chickas don't look "plus size" either!
In the summer of 2010, I was a size 6/8. Everyone told me I was too thin and I couldn't see it, except for my 'chicken neck'. After almost 2 years, and a medication change, I am now a 12. 
My body feels best at a size 10 plus size....
Plus my clothes fit ;)
ME: 5'61/2 WEIGHT 160
My BMI (Body Mass Index) calculation results:
According to your height of 5' 6" your ideal healthy weight is 139 pounds. 
Your recommended weight range is between 123 and 154 pounds. This was calculated 
using Hamwi formula, a simple formula commonly used by many clinicians. These are recommended weights. Talk with your doctor about what weight is best for you and before undertaking any new diet or exercise programs.
(That's about a size 10!)

Check out these beauties!
Who seem just 'normal' size...

courtesy of Hips and Curves

I'm in no way putting down the naturally thin girls out there, but....
Women are finally saying "We're not gonna take it",
 and when Iris Apfel became the first saged face for MAC cosmetics, 
I danced a happy dance!
When a 'real' woman is on the cover of Vogue someday, 
there will be a ticker-tape parade!!!

Another great article on this subject is here:

What are your ideas on this subject?
Are street styles also feeding into the myth 
that fashion is only for the size zeros?
Is it me, us, or them???
Reva ;)



Melanie said...

Good rant, Reva! Part of the reason I started a street style blog was because I was only seeing mainstream model material on the streets in other blogs, mostly women 22ish and thin. How boring! Diversity feeds the imagination in every aspect of living. There's is so much to celebrate in the quotidian.

mispapelicos said...

I am with you 200% on the matter, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I find it so annoying to see all the street style shots are dollies size zero and 20 years old top.
Brilliant post Reva, so proud.

Style Agent 909 said...

Hi Reva. I think you're right. Street style seems to lean toward the size zero end of the spectrum. I'm a 12-14 and that feels right to me.
Thank goodness for blogs!

Kathryn from Schoolmarm Style said...

I think so much of it has to do with the perceived market for this media. I think that many women don't start to realize that every body is different and we should love the one we have until they are in their 30s or older.

Young women in their teens and 20s are the key demographic for fashion and style. Unfortunately these trends feed insecurity and the propegation of the myth that being tiny is the only way to be stylish or beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look so much better now - and I do find that women generally do look better with a bit of weight on (though I still moan when I can't fit into a size 6 anymore. sad eh?). The sad, sad thing is our culture worships and valorizes the super, super skinny.

Alex M said...

What to me is ludicrous is all the talk about the "obesity" problem in the US. Yet, those of us who are normal size (and healthy) seem to be invisible to the media. If you look around you, those tiny sizes are not the real norm. This is probably why the ultra-thin image is seen as even more desirable. I look at this as a correlation to the 1 vs. 99 percent economic argument -- only being carried out in the female "ideal" body size. Everyone wishes they were the one percent.

Laura Miller said...

I am in my early 50s, relatively fit and health-savvy. I too have noticed street style blogs tend to post photos of thin, model-y type women.

IMO, "healthy" is somewhere between the two extremes presented in your article. "Skinny" is not healthy. "Fat" is not healthy. (sidenote: you refer to being "tan" as "healthy" -- take it from me, it's not! It looks good, it feels good, but it's not healthy!)

We Americans are stereotyped throughout the world as being "fat" and there's serious truth to this global image.

There *is* a happy medium in here, one that fits nicely between Kate Moss and obesity. A fashion blog like yours is the perfect place for it. (I do love your blog and am so happy I found you)


Louise Mc said...

Great post. I'm a UK16, which I think is about a US12. Throughout my early 20s I was a UK12, (US8?) but at 6ft tall, I don't actually think I looked as glam as bigger me does. I love following blogs written by a massive variety of ladies who know how to dress and aren't slaves to fashion. I do worry for the younger generations though and what role models they have.

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Well, one thing is for ARE a writer and an excellent communicator..well said. Take it from someone who truly IS plus size, the pressures of this world are great...we need to only know that we are all beautiful and that we need to be healthy..however that is defined for each of us. Unfortunately, the marketing world doesn't understand what a real woman is...

Forest City Fashionista said...

I hope that some day, we won't have to have discussions like this because we will see images of every kind of age and body type in our media, but alas, it's unlikely to be in my lifetime. I do my best to present a range of ages and sizes in my street style photos, but where I live, it tends to be the younger women who dress with imagination. I keep trying to encourage women my age to have more fun with their clothes!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments,

and to Laura: my poor writing skills have proven to be true ;)-the tan comment was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the false need to be tan and have gorgeous hair "if you are plus-size".

Forest City Fashionista: I like your blog and it is great to see more saged women, but it does seem that the 'big dogs' that I've been paroozing are but a few. I'm off to check out your images right now :)
I agree we all need to define our own sense of beauty. I have major issues seeing the beauty within myself, so it's all just an opinion from a self conscious blogger ;)

Thanks so much for everyone's imput!

Sarah said...

I am so happy for your rant here. I just agree with you all the way. As a normal gal myself, I just feel fashion has such a negative effect sometimes. Especially on young girls. I am all for seeing more real women!

Unknown said...

I love it when I see women of all sizes modeling clothes, but I'm not a fan of the anorexic look.
I do have a bit of an issue with people always comparing sizes to what the average size is...20 years ago the average weight was a lot lower than it is now...right now the average womens waist size in America is 34", which is 1" away from what they consider extremely unhealthy, and that the risk of heart issues increases incredibly. I'm sure the average model now is smaller than 20 years ago, but I don't think they're 15%(23%-8%) smaller....we're just that much bigger. I think people need to focus more on showing healthy bodies, and comparing numbers to healthy ones, not the average, because right now the average is quite unhealthy.

Unknown said...

You are right, there is an obesity problem, especially here in the US. I hope there's an answer to finding what makes us all feel and look healthy, without pressure from media.

Anonymous said...

Well hell, Reva: you should whip out your writing powers more often! And your commenters are very wise, too, by pointing out the all-or-nothing, extremist thinking in American culture. Like being size 2 or morbidly obese are the ONLY two options? Moderation and attainable goals, anyone?

Unknown said...

I've been turned off by this aspect of street style blogs for a while I completely agree with you! Plus size is actually NOT plus size, it's just a size. Size 2 is not minus size, it's just a size. I think that there's definitely an obesity epidemic in the US, however, I think we also have a very warped sense of what is a healthy size (which by the way, looks different on everyone). American women in general have completely bought into "the smaller the better" when it comes to their bodies. Seems the nicest comment a woman can get nowadays is, "You are soooo skinny!" And with all the images constantly coming at us, it's not easy to avoid that mindset. I think you've expressed it beautifully! Bravo girly! Hugs! ~Serene

Anonymous said...

Give 'em hell! In my closet, I have items ranging from size 2 to size 12...and they all fit, so sizing is one problem. I recently went to a wellness check and at 5'7" I weighed 139, but my body fat measured at 29 or something, which was shocking to me. I know that as I age I'm worried about the appearance of my dental work and the wings that seem to be sprouting on my upper arms.

A couple of years ago, a young man in my American Literature class pronounced that skinny women were a waste...he much preferred flesh that MOVED. I think there are a variety of standards that could be applied and unfortunately style bloggers with wide standards of acceptance are just one.

sabine ingerl said...

obviously nature makes us different, so why should we look all the same. what media makes us believe is only for the profit of the pharmaceutical industry, which wants us to buy their "reduce weight" products. I am wearing size 14 now, usually eat what I want, do sports and I feel on top of the world. when I was 30, wearing size 10, I did no sports but trying to eat little and often felt too thick and bulky. what a nonsense! if I'm plus size or not, should not affect my life. although I would like to keep my weight, or even reduce a little, because it is better for my health, but not because i want to look better. reva, I am watching your blog almost every day, you always look fantastic in size 10 or 12, that is not important.
cheers and hugs, sabine

Stacey said...

First off, you look amazing no matter what the size. I've had this same problem with street style photography for a while. I don't know what street they're on, but it certainly isn't mine! While I think that very young, very skinny women can be incredibly stylish, I wish that street style photography showed more of the range of incredibly stylish women that there are in the world!

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