I'm baaaaack ! A trip of Car-induced Forced Meditation, Yard Sales and Shoes.
My Pop and I had a yard sale, minus photos, no time!, and a summer of slathering on sunscreen was shot in one afternoon. Major sunburn followed by "freckles" galore. But, down on the upside, I made over 200 bucks and scored these Dan Post Cowboy Boots for ONE Dollar :) Which may be the score of the year ;) I may even have them re-soled as they were worn a lot. I can't wait to wear the other shoes I scored.
Ramblings : Chris Cornell and Lucinda Williams kept me company on my trip. These two artists always help me get centered. When I got home, I didn't want to run to the computer and see what I had missed. I needed "real life" stuff. It's been almost 1 year since I started this blog, (Late October) and I am feeling a change coming . Not to say, I wish to stop, as I have learned tons, not only about the computer, but about myself. Tons. The journey has been an enlightening experience into human nature as well as into the nature of me, and the stuff I want to work out. Maybe it's finally time to try something new. I used to love to help others and now that my hubs has started an internship with a suicide prevention hotline, (he and I both lost loved ones to suicide), I need to begin the path I was meant to follow. We'll see :)
It's good to be back.
Home is where your stuff is ;)
Of An Artist's Heart
No words for the deep mourning felt
When you must travel with an artist's heart ~
She chokes on the tears of
Smiles from the past ~
While looking forward to find
What is lost to her forever.
She looks deep inside the eyes
Of the kindred soul she once knew ~
Only to see the glossed sadness
Of the one who has stopped seeking ~
And has succumbed to truth and knowledge
Handed back to the painter of time.
The painting will never be the same again.
Framed ~ Dust soaked ~
Hanging in a long
Soon to be forgotten hallway
Of an Artist's heart.
( All rights to this poetry belong to me, Reva M. )
I hate to do that, it seems pretentious, but I really value my writing :)
Reva--I for one truly FELT your absence. I hadn't been aware of your past experience...but I too lost a partner to suicide. I pray that whatever you must decide that it could include a few blog posts.
A selfish prayer. You never know what soul you may be touching, even in cyberspace.
The boots look great! What a find.
I love the print on your top!! its so feminine!
Reva, Please don't leave us! You are my fav fashion blog. You have a quirky and unique outlook on life that I wish I could achieve. If you do decide to leave I will miss you greatly.
BTW: The boots rock!
I took a week away from blogging last week, too so the both of us are back into the action again, haha.
It's good to hear you had a good time, and cannot wait to see your new finds!
I'm so glad you're back, Reva! I've missed you.
LOve the bargain boots and your beautiful words. xxx
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