I have never been to India, but I love the gorgeous style of this area. Thanks to a wonderful friend, Vix, of VintageVixen, she sent me a lovely skirt made of recycled silk Sari's, a necklace made of wool beads, a really funky sash/belt, and some cat earrings that were her beloved Mum's from the 80's, all wrapped in a silk bag from India as well ! She also sent a card that is made from a hand-painted leaf. Beautiful! My good cammy is down right now, so you will see photos of it soon. I am going to frame it. This was my first international package ! I am so honored, and have worn it twice already, but finally popped off some shots I feel are worthy of this beauty! Thanks, Vix! She is so awesome and her style is amazing! Vintage frocks, jumble boot sales ( I hope I said that right ;). a full time E-bay seller,a traveler and true Bohemian who loves India, and a dear heart. Her blog is a must read each day for me.

I paired the skirt with a billowy top and metal embellished glads and a vintage scarf, plus some giant hoops.
The vibrant colors of silk and gorgeous jewels.The art of beauty. There is nothing on earth as beautiful.
Honesty, as a Westerner, I think of Mother Teresa, Calcutta, Beautiful jewelry, Silver, Henna, Silk Sari's, ankle bells, and beautiful dark skin. Temples, lots of color, and lots of sun. A place where going bare-foot is considered lovely. I'm sure this is a skewed view, but as a fashion blog, I wanted to share the styles I most admire about India.
As beautiful as the fashion is in India,
Unfortunately not everyone is so lucky there to be "pretty and fashionable".
I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer.
But a lot of India is Slums.
I won't go into details.
But you can look it up online.
On another note that skirt is gorgeous,
I have a hand made embroidered sash belt I purchased on my trip to San Fransico 4 years ago made in India.
Along with a few other boho items.
I cherish them dearly.
I really need to start wearing cuter outfits.
I need to stop wearing just Bikini's and Denim Mini Skirts with some sandels........
Maybe I've just got caught in a Shore Style Rut??
Take care Reva!!
And happy Monday!!!
Dear Reva,
What gorgeously joyful colours!
Vix certainly has a bang on talent for picking the right garment for the right person; this skirt is just utterly PERFECT on you!
I've never been to India myself but it’s a country that has always stirred me;
I believe this may be because it’s so entirely different from the restrained Scandinavian setting that I grew up in; the exoticness of Indian culture scintillates & captivates the imagination.
Like JordanMayTwigs mentions in her comment, there are a lot of poverty-stricken slums not to mention a altogether unjust caste system still adhered to which throws a very ugly shadow over this country but alas it is far from the only country in the world with blots on its conscience.
What a wonderful post and you look fabulous in that skirt, Reva. It could have been made for you.
I've been to India fifteen times now. Yes, there are things that us Westerners from the so called "first world" are upset by but by visiting and contributing to the burgeoning ecomony things will move forward and improve for the fabulous people who live there.
In the years I've been visiting things have indeed moved on in leaps and bounds, fathers treasure their daughters, education is freely available for all in many states and it can no longer be called "Third World".
In fact, India has more women holding postitions of poltical power than either the UK or the US.
heart your india post. and the colors look great! india is a land of contradictions so even when you think you know it, you quite don't because of its many surprises from one the village to the towns/ from the cities to the hamlets:) but it embraces all, so come visit some day!
also heart the janis joplin music on your page:)
cool skirt, awesome outfit,& i luv luv luv luv luv luv luv ur sandals! lol :D
cool post - i love all the pictures and vibrant colours :)
Wow lady! You have absolutely done justice to the Indian look. It has avery hippie boho feel to it!
Cannot tell u how much i love the skirt and the necklace!
Great skirt! Love the scarf with the hoop earrings. I love all the Indian fashion photos.
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