A big Thanks to Beth from Refashion,Recycle,Reuse , for the coveted Sugar Doll Award !
As per the rules, You have to sit through 10 things about me, so grab a soda!
( As most of you know, I ramble, but will try to keep it short and humble ;)
- I am 45, (soon to be 46 in June) and can go from having the emotional maturity of a 1000 yr old Zen Buddhist to a 5 yr old little girl in .5 seconds ! ( Hormones )
- I came from a small farming / coal mining community in Western Kentucky and now live in Cincinnati.
- I am severely addicted to Big K diet orange pop.
- I LOVE drag queens. My dearest,bestest belated friend was gay, and lovingly called me a "fag hag". ( A straight female who chooses to hang out with gay men.)
5. I fall down. A LOT. All the time. ( and usually break something in the process ! )
6. I love art with a passion, and am continuously trying to connect to the creative "spark". ( I used to teach
a class )
7. I worked in a "head" shop and as an addiction counselor all within the same year.
8. I was a band geek ( flute, bassoon, xylophone) and still play piano.
9. I am still a Buffy The Vampire Slayer addict.
10. I am practicing meditation as I have a hard time making decisions, and my head is usually cluttered with
useless, random thoughts.
Now the best part! Passing it on.... Paying it forward..... Honoring my Diva's !!!
First to : Kathryn, The Thrifty School Marm ( Schoolmarmstyle.blogspot.com ) for her support.
Next: Maria, from Texas love,life and fashion (txlovelifeandfashion.blogspot.com) for her support.
Gina, from Clothes, interalia
Lady Cardigan from Fashiondaydreaming, for her super humor!
Also theLookingGlassVintage, a super chick !
and my new obsession Vintage Vixen ! My connection to England and super cool vintage.
There are so many more, and I wish carpel tunnel wasn't setting in, or I would send out this award to about 40 more terrific bloggers. I really do appreciate you all and am so glad I've found such great women to share my passion with ! If any links didn't connect, please let me know!
This coming week I am going to dress to Accentuate, rather than Hide my features. Wish me luck!
Here are some ideas:
( Sorry, my images got all wonky, and after a while, I gave up trying to fix em!)
I'm tall. My legs are long. I have "strong" features, so can wear hats and accessories well. Maxi's and flats suit me. Also, here are my dream shoes as of two days ago (from Target) :

And Newport News. Yum............

Forever 21.
This dress is under 10 dollars !!!
And believe it or not, these hair clips are on the "New" items page of F21!!!
Gosh, I didn't realize how trendy I was ;)
Here are the T-shirt Images from the Summer Bliss Give-away. ( the first is flipped). I think they turned out well. See ya tomorrow !!!
Aww, thank you! I really appreciate your support as well. After all, in the blogesphere, where would we be without each others' support. I'll get to it as soon as think of 10 things to share.
You are fascinating and SO awesome.
Love The stray Cat Strut, Freddy Mercury and Boy George. You can tell we are from the same era, although I am a little older. Shhhhh,,,,
I loved reading these things about you. I had all things drag and transexual as one my my things too. I don't know what it says about us...I am assuming it is good though. At the very least another person who misses weekly doses of Jack and Karen
Congratulations on a well-deserved award! You are so extremely cool. And I understand about falling down a lot, although in my case it's more bumping/walking into things. Tables, doorways, you name it. I have the bruises to prove it!
And thank you for passing the award on to me. I love your blog, and I'm glad you enjoy mine.
Great post my dear!
Congratulations! Thank you so much for passing the award along to me.
Love the accessories of the week!!
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