White legs, ya wear me out, da,da,da,da, White legs you scream and shout,,, da,da,da,da....., White legs ya make me a fool, da,da,da,da....I love ya honey ! DA<DA<DA<DA, da........... O.k. enough already ! I suppose you get it, my leggings are white. Well, cream, really. I got this dress at F21 when I took back the end-all, be-all shoes. It grabbed my attention right away and the 12x12 stuff is actually for "larger" women, so the salesgirl said. I wish I'd known that before I ORDERED a pair of pants 3 sizes too big! ( They went back as well ). A knit dress may not fare well deep into summer, but hey, there's always fall to look forward to! You all know by now, I had to add a scarf (instead of a hat ) , but I think it looked nice. I wore silver beaded earrings and my Candies Mules. I can't believe that short leggings are still around- after all, by the time I jump onto the FAD train, it's usually left the station. Leggings I like! And a big thanks to all who didn't stone me for my snake editing! I could go into the health issues, but that's another blog! If you'r interested in the facts, there are a ton of web sites to go to. WebMD is my favorite. Now for more shots of the wonder dress.......
With Pockets!
( Not the highest quality )
A few unsolicited tips on posing for your blog photos.
I have been posting for a few months and here are some things I have learned along the way. Keep what you need, and discard the rest ! I used to wonder how some photos looked great, while mine looked "not so great". The first and foremost tip I learned was to Have Fun!!! But with that said, my photos seemed to accentuate the stuff I didn't really care to share. It's all about the outfit, but my vanity was overpowering me, so here's what I've found that helps me accentuate my outfit better.
1. Remember what your Mom said about posture! Shoulders back, don't slump, and suck in the abs.
2. Ever notice your favorite bloggers have a certain "go-to" stance? Find your "good side". The angle that makes you feel lovely and shows off your outfit. This take practice, and the mirror can be deceiving! A photo is worth a thousand mirror practice sessions!
3. Smile! Nothing is more inviting than a full-on cheeser! ( I tend to look angry when I don't smile.)
4. Get to know your camera. My friends are: Contrast (makes the outfit look less "flat") and Sharpen. If u want a "dreamy" effect, just use a lower pixel setting. Plus, less wrinkles, zits, etc. Also Enhance gives a more vivid color to the outfit. ( I always contrast and accentuate the color when showing a close-up of my fabric.
5. Listen to Tyra! Smile with your eyes. ( Kinda like you're shotting a lazer beam at the lens! ) Or, for a "dreamy" look, look at something in the distance. ( The song Far Away Eyes by the Stones is a classic for a reason!)
6. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. ( The closer something is to the lens, the bigger it looks). I tend to lean back a bit as not to make "the girls" seem so big, or my arms. It really works!!!
See how my arms and chest are abnormally smaller than my legs?
7. Relax and have fun!!! ( While remembering the basic postures ). Be silly and do a lot of variety with your poses. Blogging should be fun and not really hard work. When that timer starts, you really have more time than you think you do to adjust your pose. At the very last 3 beeps, I suck in, pull shoulders back and smile.
8. The last tip I can think of would be, remember your background. Try to keep it minimal. Too much "noise" is distracting and takes away from the shot. As in this lounge chair. Too much info, but from the waist up, a clean palette. The only "noise" I really like are flowers, or vintagey furniture/ weathered patio furniture, cool doorway, etc.... But to each their own. These are just opinions and stuff I've learned along the blogdonian road.
9. Oh yeah, and really big sunglasses are great for hiding that last cocktail you had the night before ;) If big movie stars can do it, so can we! ( This is a far-away eyes pose! ) They really don't detract from the outfit and can add a sense of mystery to you "look".
An over-the-shoulder pose can break up the traditional poses, too. Kinda "come-hithery."
I do the "crazed ballerina" alot. ( Where you lightly lift your arms away from your body, so they don't look as big ). And the "lean-back", when standing, as to take the focus off my boobs/arms. Beware of the lean back, as it can make your hips look larger than usual, but as I don't really have hips I really like it!
I suppose above all else, try to look "natural" while accentuating your outfit! And have fun. Be silly!
Grab a Prop! I LOVE props! ( This is last years recycle bag, I hope to win this year! The person with the most votes had over 22,000 last check. My 45 can still win.............. )
Here are the 2 books I am planning to read in leu of T.V. ( Wish me luck, once my Hubs said he would give me 100 dollars if I would read an entire book cover to cover. Never made it :)
Maybe I'll hit the butterfly show this week, too!!! It is so awesome! They put sugar on your finger for the butterflies to land on! So cool !

I hope these tips are handy for someone! Each blogger has their own style and being an individual is really what blogging should be all about. Thanks for the inquiry. I enjoy sharing with everyone !!! I am definitely no expert and hope I never am! Growing is what keeps me young :)
I'm the WORST poser, so thank you for this! I think if I had a private yard to take my pics in I'd be a lot more adventurous but I feel really self conscious taking pictures in public.
You look great, as usual. I never knew white leggings could look so good!
I've never seen white leggings look so good! Beautiful, professional photos, I'm gonna have to take on board some tips, although I'm getting a bit better, remembering to smile and not look quite so stiff.
Dematerializing, eh? Sounds like a read I should try!!
Hope you've cleaned up after Bitty! One of my beasts has a daily habit of chucking up in the excitement of breakfast time.
Great tips! I read your post about you editing your pictures and really it's not a big deal. I think we all do it. We all want to look our best and if a little editing gets it done, so be it. I never pose looking up because I have a big chin, and I try to hide my arm fat as much as possible. So no worries, we all have things we are insecure about. Your pictures always turn out as beautiful as you are.
Thanks for the posing tips, I always seem mean looking or kind of wooden, usually because one of my 15 year olds are taking the pics and either laughing their ass off at me or rolling their eyes that I would do this....wish my chihuahuas could take pics, they have unconditional love and think I am the most beautiful thing in the world....LMAO
Love the tip on the girls I just blogged about mine Ha, Ha!
Are you sure you don't want to be a model when you grow up?
Fabulous tips! Loving them.
I'm trying to find a tripod so I can venture outdoors beyond my crazy dark wood and coral painted apartment. I love these white leggings - they look amazing!
Love your poser hints! I have the same problem - I look angry when I don't smile so I try and smile in most pictures (or look down so you don't see my face - haha). Love your tunic in this pics and the wedges :)
Cute dress. The white leggings look great on you!
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