Why would anyone give these away ? At least that's what I thought when I scooped em up at 1.99 pants day at Goodwill. I am Always drawn to long, flowy florals, Especially pallazo pants.They're pleated, too! In the 70's we called them Elephant Ears. These are 80's era. It's like wearing a long skirt with squatting capacity! I paired them with a pin stripe vest from Dot's clx. (3.00) and a wide band tank from Old Navy (1.00) so there would be a "seamless" look to the vest. I have to wear a bra, so this gives the illusion of a shirt-less vest, since the vest is a halter style. I would normally just go for a black tank, but my vision is changing since blogging. I love you guys!!! My silk MJ flats and my "Mirror-Mirror" necklace, ( Fennofashion) and drop pearls with a little black bead finished it off. I am working really hard trying new photo techniques and lighting, so bear with me in the overload. I try to pop the best ones in first, so u can keep on truckin'! I was having an exceptionally good "loose bun" day as well. Don't ya just love a good hair day? In summer, My hair flattens out like a pancake, and I sweat like a horse, so long hair is great for summer bunnage. I have also found that aging skin looks better with less "pancake" make-up, which slides right off in the summer anyway. I like shimmer moisturizers, or tinted ones as they give the effect of a "beachy" glow. The harder I try to hide things, the more apparent they become!

This is my go-to spot in bright light and the wind was really showing off the pants!
The vest needs to be taken in, and since I'm heading to my Mom's I'll let her do the deed!
WW#40 Update:
"The Little Engine that Will !!!"
No luck. I've bombarded the site, with tons of E-mails and photos. I got an E-mail back! It was the "Ad" for the featured blogger for June ( I really only want a photo, not an entire month! The pressure!) Anyhoo, it stated that basically ( you can read it on the site ) they look for "magazine editorial worthy photography" and "equally worthy outfits"........"She up-loaded her work with such gusto".... They are awesome and Very professional looking... So, I'm working on making my photos as hip as I can. I've got the gusto..... It will happen!.........................
Hi Reva,
Great pants, I really love the print!
Reva, you look great. Love the stripes with the floral.
I just did a post for you about the Chico's trousers and you are not going to believe the shoes I picked for them - they are just like the ones you have on in this post! Shutup! For real! Get out of town! Go see!
Great minds think alike! :)
I'm with you with the sans make up! Ha... I love these pallazo pants.. Comfy.
Featured Blogger, go girl!
I adore those rose print pants! Can you believe anyone in their right mind would chuck out such beauties?
You're wearing them just how I would, too. I love a tight fitting waistcoat with wide legged pants.
Good luck with the featured blogger quest..us oldies,we're proud of you!
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