I entered this coat seven ways to sunday to Weardrobe's best winter
look contest. Being non-computer-savy, I sent an I NEED HELP e-mail,
was replied as "just send a link from weardrobe". ouch! what the heck is a link, and how do i send one? is it an attachment? is it the pic only from my files? anyhoo, I sent them the picture about 7 different ways. Sometimes the photo was huge! I sure do hope they got one of them! i even typed a letter with the picture number on it! Boy could I use $500!
My husband even put up our original aluminum tree with the light orb!
This tree is from the 60's in original box! It was a gift from rod's sister
and husband. They even found an original light. When plugged in it
rotates and makes the tree glow different colors. cool!
Oh I'm sorry to hear you got confused, Im sure they got it ok. I looove this look! The red coat is gorgeous and it looks beautiful with that purse and those gloves! I hope u win, good luck!
thanks my lovely!
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